
What's Growing?

This is the page description.

Gorgeous radishes!


—A Work in Progress—

This website is under construction, as is our market garden.
We’ll be updating the site as often as possible to try to keep things current.


Somehow, we seem to nearly always have radishes. People LOVE radishes! Along with that, right now we have lots of squash (zucchini, etc.), arugula, salad mix, salad turnips, sorrel, basil, carrots, cucumbers, and still plenty of our garlic. For the absolute most current info, follow us on Facebook and/or Instagram. We post pictures and listings there each week. OR, if social media isn’t your thing, just send us an email ask to be put on our weekly list.

 We grow everything using natural growing methods, with no pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, or herbicides. We're also using a bare minimum of petroleum: no power tilling, no tractor needed. We're using broad forks, hoes, and rakes. We do have a weed torch that's very helpful with weed control, and we obviously use some petroleum in making deliveries. We're trying to do the best for everyone: ourselves, our customers, our land and the wildlife that lives on it.