



Some of our very favorite things to do with our produce. Click the bold type to be taken to the websites where these recipes live.

Pasta with Tart Greens - This has been a staple in our house since long before we started farming. We’ve tried it with every combination of greens you can imagine, but some of our favorites are collards, mustards, and kale, either separately or in combination. We got this recipe through our friends at Riverview Farms, who may be the biggest reason we started farming!

Garlic Scape Pesto - We make scape pesto every year when the scapes come in, and freeze a bunch of it to make life worth living during the gloom of winter. This site not only has a recipe for scape pesto, but other ideas for what to do with scapes.

Carrot Greens and Lentil Soup - You may know that we often sell carrots with their big, beautiful greens still attached. One of our customers sent us this recipe, early on during the pandemic, and we are forever in her debt. :-) Carrot greens also make a reasonable substitute for parsley in a pinch.

Sweet Potato Quesadillas - This recipe is really flexible. We’ve used basically every kind of greens in it. They’re all delicious. You can also substitute winter squash for the sweet potato. Be free and experiment — the world is your quesadilla!

Radish Greens Pesto - Again, we often sell our radishes with the beautiful greens still attached. Many of you probably know that radish greens are edible. Do you know that they make a pretty good pesto? It was news to me when we first joined a CSA years ago. Here’s a good and pretty simple recipe. Also, we learned from a customer that combining arugula with basil makes an outstanding variation on “standard” pesto.

Roasted Radishes with Tahini-Yogurt Sauce - Okay, to get this one you have to give them your email address. I think it’s worth it. Roasted radishes are a completely different experience that raw ones, and the tahini-yogurt sauce puts this over the top.

Okroshka - Cold Russian Soup - A great vehicle for radishes, cucumbers, and potatoes. Full transparency: we haven’t tried this ourselves yet, but one of our most loyal and trusted customers swears by it, so it’s on our list to try very soon. If you try it, let us know!


More to come! If you have questions about using a specific veggies, email us or message us on Facebook. We’ve probably got a recipe or six you can try!